Our Family Band Performance


I just want to continue to encourage you to continue to pour creativity and arts into your children. I am amazed at the rewards that continue to happen now that my children are growing up.

I want to share one of the best days of my life.

My biggest dream came true~ playing in a family band, just this past Saturday.

All the years of raising my kids and teaching music lessons, I find myself standing beside my husband, 17-year old daughter, Bella, and my brother and we are performing for all her friends and our family.

It is so fun to dream and then watch the dream unfold in front of your eyes.

Bella played her flute, played her bass guitar, her electric guitar and she sang with us.

We have been practicing our songs for the past year every Friday night at my brother's house, and we finally performed for everyone in his backyard on this beautiful March day for Bella's 17th birthday.

If you are a student of mine, or you are enrolled in any of my flute or piano online courses, my main focus is on performance songs. I encourage you or your child to build a set list of songs that you love so that one day you can perform them for your friends and family.   

Because my music curriculum is set up this way, this process will lead you to become an aspiring performing musician, as that is what the gift of music is for to share with others and bring people together, even if it is just your family.   


6 Beatles songs- Let 'Em In (Paul McCartney), I Saw Her Standing There, Day In the Life, Hey Jude, Day Tripper, and Come Together.

6 original songs (Our trio is called Colorful Bones) Travel On, Live It Up, Memories and Dreams, Your Goodness, Good Ol' Town, and Georgia, Georgia.

and 7 other covers- No Roots- Alice Merton, Low Rider-War, Take Five-Dave Brubeck, Maps-The Yeah, Yeah, Yeah's , Hey! - The Pixies, Fire- Jimi Hendrix, Every Night and Every Day- Night Hawks.

This made 3 sets of great live music and in between we had free play, games, prizes, and food.

What a way to bring everyone together and give her friends a memorable party.

We had a drawing at the end of the party. We gave away 6 Colorful Bones t-shirts that we made.

This was the favorite t-shirt design, my son Nolan is the artist.

.....and the winner is......

PS Bella and I sang a song together when she was little that I wrote found on Sweet Songs for Spring and Summer called Let's Find a Ladybug. It's a song about when you find a ladybug your dream comes true. So the next time you find a ladybug, have your wishes ready!


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