Happy Martinmas!
It's time to go on a Lantern Walk with your kids and sing I Go With My Little Lantern.
Would you like to learn how to play it yourself? You find it in my songbook Waldorf Autumn Festival Songs.
If you have the songbook already, check it out, you will find the sheet music in there.
Guess what makes my songbooks unique?
Each song comes with a cheat sheet for those of you who can’t read music, it looks like this
It took me so many years to learn how to read music. What if you just listened and played the music?Â
It's okay if you can't read music. Music is first, something you hear and second, it is something you read -if you want to dive into that world!
I hope you have a great time celebrating Martinmas and have a reverent and beautiful time on your lantern walks.
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