Celebrating March


New Joyful Community Excitement!

Check out our Meetup! I never knew March could be so festive with green being our main theme!

I am loving this festive time together with our new community, Music Makers!

This month, we are learning St. Patrick's Day is Coming, a song I wrote with my 10 year old student, Maya, during our ukulele lesson.

What a fun way to enjoy each month with a festive song that we can all sing and play together.

It's so wonderful that we can take what we learned in our Meetup and practice it all month.

We are meeting back next Thursday, March 9, at 2pm ET so you can play me what you practiced and I can give you some feedback.

And I am learning so much from my members, too!

Like I heard my first limerick, spoken by Hanna, our 9 year old Music Maker, she said,

"There once was a mid March day,

Where people would gather and say:

'St. Patrick's Day is here,

Let's wear green and give cheer.'

And then they partied the evening away."


What a fun way to expand o...

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St. Nicholas Day Group Lesson


Here is the replay of our December Group Lesson for the new Living Music Community and I invite you to join us every first Thursday of the month.

Mark January, 5, 2023 at 2pm ET/ 11am PT onto your calendar.

Also, I need your suggestions, What songs or ideas do you have about our next time we meet? 

We don't have to work on a song either, I am open to your musical questions too!

Just email me at [email protected] 

I would love to hear your suggestions.

A new Community portal is coming soon to my website, I am so excited!

It is in beta testing now, but I will let you know more about it when it is ready.

I can't wait to finally have a place to hang out with you all the time!

We can share our music ideas and learn from each other and become great friends.

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The Pumpkin Pie Group Lesson


Welcome to our 3rd community meeting, here you will learn a family song that our family enjoyed during October and November, called The Pumpkin Pie Song.

Come along and learn to sing it, and pick your instrument part, ranging from beginning to advanced.

I will teach you the notes and the chords.

Click Here for the lesson plan.

Learn a simple 3 note melody that fits you and your level and favorite instrument

  • vocals
  • pennywhistle
  • recorder
  • ukulele
  • piano

Learn only 3 chords for

  • guitar
  • ukulele
  • baritone ukulele
  • piano.

Years ago, I found The Pumpkin Pie Song in the book Festivals Family and Food: Guide to Seasonal Celebration by Diana Carey and Judy Large.

I first began learning it on pennywhistle. I added chords to it, and arranged it myself. I have never heard it played any where, so I just had to be creative when trying it all out. 

I thought it would be great arrange it with added guitar chords and with this simplified pennywhistle melody for beginners.

Later, I r...

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Our Very First Community Meeting


Check out our very first meeting!?!?!

I had no idea what we were going to discover or what this new community wanted, so let the journey begin!

We had a wonderful time together of sharing about our music journey. 

Join us next time.

We meet the first Thursday of each new month at 2pm Eastern Time. Please mark your calendars.

I was telling Angie how our meeting went because she wasn’t able to make it, I said, me personally, I was overwhelmed with the love that I felt. We had 3 kids join, and they are so pure and full of this amazing love that is so different and sweet, I long for this kind of love in our adult world for each other. I guess that is at the heart of what we do, as moms to be that space for them to freely love. What a blessing to be a mom!!!

💿 My husband bought me a new guitar, and it sounds so good!!!!  I got to share my new song that I wrote about the trees here in Georgia, called Into the World.

💿 It's a Martin 000-28 Eric Clapton Acoustic Guitar designed in colla...

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