St. Nicholas Day Group Lesson


Here is the replay of our December Group Lesson for the new Living Music Community and I invite you to join us every first Thursday of the month.

Mark January, 5, 2023 at 2pm ET/ 11am PT onto your calendar.

Also, I need your suggestions, What songs or ideas do you have about our next time we meet? 

We don't have to work on a song either, I am open to your musical questions too!

Just email me at [email protected] 

I would love to hear your suggestions.

A new Community portal is coming soon to my website, I am so excited!

It is in beta testing now, but I will let you know more about it when it is ready.

I can't wait to finally have a place to hang out with you all the time!

We can share our music ideas and learn from each other and become great friends.

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Watch a Magic Flute Lesson


You can watch this festive December flute lesson in action from this week at my house. 

I currently have the beautiful opportunity to teach my nieces, Alyssa and Alori, private music lessons. It’s great because they are perfect ages to begin learning an instrument.

Alyssa is learning piano, she is 7 years old and Alori is learning the pennywhistle and she is 6 years old.

Alori is on Lesson 7 of The Magic Flute Course, which follows the seasons nicely, as we make our way through the Christmas season.

I have Alyssa learning the songs from Playful Pentatonic Piano. After only 8 piano lessons, she is already advanced to Playful Pentatonic Piano 2 and is on the song My Horses Ain’t Hungry.

We are all enjoying it so much! I love how much they light up when it is so very playful.

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All About Pennywhistle


It’s the Most Wonderful Time of Year! Above is a video I made for a fun giveaway, check out our winner

Full of happy tunes that you can’t help singing from all the joy in the atmosphere.

One of the best ways to get through the colder and darker days is with music.

Do you or your kids have a musical instrument that you can easily play?

Do you have easy music to sing and play during this festive time?

 I want to help you get what you need for this season.

 The pennywhistle is one of the easiest starter instruments I have ever played. It is also known as the tinwhistle.

It has such a sweet, whispery tone and sounds beautiful.

I taught my kids to play it, and they loved it!

One of my most memorable performances was with my daughter and my students on Away in the Manger. She and my student played the ukulele and I played the pennywhistle and we all sang the three verses mixed with ukulele and pennywhistle. Everyone loved it! The kids sounded so sweet and so cute, just a perfect ble...

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