The Pumpkin Pie Group Lesson


Welcome to our 3rd community meeting, here you will learn a family song that our family enjoyed during October and November, called The Pumpkin Pie Song.

Come along and learn toĀ sing it,Ā andĀ pickĀ your instrument part, ranging from beginning to advanced.

I will teach you the notes and the chords.

Click Here for the lesson plan.

Learn a simple 3 note melody that fits you and your level and favorite instrument

  • vocals
  • pennywhistle
  • recorder
  • ukulele
  • piano

Learn only 3 chords for

  • guitar
  • ukulele
  • baritone ukulele
  • piano.

Years ago, I foundĀ The Pumpkin Pie Song in the bookĀ Festivals Family and Food: Guide to Seasonal Celebration by Diana Carey and Judy Large.

I first beganĀ learning it on pennywhistle. I added chords to it, and arranged it myself. I have never heard it played any where, so I just had to be creative when trying it all out.Ā 

I thought it would be greatĀ arrange it with added guitar chords and with this simplified pennywhistle melody for beginners.

Later, I r...

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Meet the Winner! Astrid, Mom of 3

Ā šŸŒŸšŸ˜†šŸ†šŸ„‡šŸŽ–Yay!! Congratulations, Astrid!!

You are the winner of the Winter Bundle Giveaway, which includes

2 Free Traditional Pennywhistles in D made by Clarke,

Christmas Festival Songs and Songbook,


Make Way for King Winter Songs and Songbook!!!

I asked my husband to draw a number and he picked your number which was 62.

In fact, you look just like our little family when we were homeschooling. I also had two boys and a baby girl and we played outside in nature all the time.

(This is a picture of Astrid, when her daughter was a baby)

Can you tell usĀ about where you are from and how many kids you have? And tell a little bit about your homeschooling interests or inspiring moments?


Jodie Mesler


Hi Jodie!

Oh my goodness, I am so excited! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Just now I was going to look at the piano courses I purchased from you, that I'm thinking of giving to my children for Christmas, and I saw THIS message that I won!Ā Ā 

Wow, I am so thri...

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All About Pennywhistle


Itā€™s the Most Wonderful Time of Year! Above is a video I made for a fun giveaway, check out our winner

Full of happy tunes that you canā€™t help singing from all the joy in the atmosphere.

One of the best ways to get through the colder and darker days is with music.

Do you or your kids have a musical instrument that you can easily play?

Do you have easy music to sing and play during this festive time?

Ā I want to help you get what you need for this season.

Ā The pennywhistle is one of the easiest starter instruments I have ever played. It is also known as the tinwhistle.

It has such a sweet, whispery tone and sounds beautiful.

I taught my kids to play it, and they loved it!

One of my most memorable performances was with my daughter and my students on Away in the Manger. She and my student played the ukulele and I played the pennywhistle and we all sang the three verses mixed with ukulele and pennywhistle. Everyone loved it! The kids sounded so sweet and so cute, just a perfect ble...

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I Go With My Little Lantern


Happy Martinmas!

It's time to go on a Lantern Walk with your kids and sing I Go With My Little Lantern.

Would you like to learn how to play it yourself?Ā YouĀ find it inĀ my songbookĀ Waldorf Autumn Festival Songs.

If you have the songbook already, check it out, you will find the sheet music in there.

Guess what makes my songbooks unique?

Each song comes with aĀ cheat sheet for those of you who canā€™t read music, it looks like this

It took me so many years to learn how to read music. What if you just listened and played the music?Ā 

It's okay if you can't read music. Music is first, something you hear and second, it is something you read -if you want to dive into that world!

I hope you have a great time celebrating Martinmas and have a reverent and beautiful time on your lantern walks.

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Taproot Teacher Training 2021

May your journey be safe,šŸŽ¶

šŸŽ¶ May your worries be few,

And may love always guide what you do šŸŽ¶

šŸŽ¶ May you grow like a forest straight toward the light,

Grounded in the mother earthšŸŽ¶

Every year at Taproot Teacher Training we sing this as our closing song.

Want to hearĀ it?Ā ClickĀ here

What a beautiful song to bless us all as we enter back in with our familiesĀ to renewĀ our homeschool journey.

Barbara Dewey and Jean Miller, along with our Taproot team, gave such great value. We all tunedĀ in live on Zoom to the workshops, got hands on experiences, got to participate in the chat, and meet in breakout rooms. I got to invite everyone to sing my song,Ā Joyful Creation, live on Zoom, on Friday, with Miriam and her kids; and then live on Saturday at the hotel.Ā The event was so wonderful and we all felt such a sweet connection.

What I find most fascinating is that this event usually takes place every year in Cleveland, Ohio, with a max of about 30 parents; but this year, over 100 people fro...

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