Songwriting Part 5 of 5


A Dream Set Free 

Saturday Evening

Thank you for letting me share this wonderful experience with you!

I hope you enjoyed this series about songwriting.

Now for the performance!

It was Saturday, at twilight, at Taproot, I couldn't ask for a better place or audience of friends.

Looking out at everyone's faces was the best. I am so glad that I can finally look out and see love instead of fear.

For so many years, I used to stand in front of audiences so scared of what they where thinking about me.

It was so hard to look out at people and not be scared, scared that I would make mistakes, or look bad, or get upset with how they were reacting to my most vulnerable self.

I am super sensitive, I was that little girl who was always way too shy to speak. It was painfully hard for me to talk to people, even as a teen.

So for me to be able to finally stand in front of an audience and share my music that lives in me and in the heart of my friends, was just so transforming.

To be fully pre...

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No More Recitals


🌷 How about changing the ideas of recitals to a fun outdoor music festival with picnics and playgrounds?

🌷Have you ever wanted to give your kids a musical education that is different than the way we were taught as kids?

🌷 Have you ever just wanted to explore the fun of music making and play your favorite songs without all the stress and high standards of classical music?

🌷 What about all the wonderful music that we listen to and enjoy, don't you want to just have fun with what you love?

🌷 That is what my students at Living Music got to experience.

🌷Saturday, I was blessed with the pleasure of hosting a Spring Outdoor Music Festival for my students.

🌷I have 4 Levels of Music Lessons for each stage of their learning process:

  1. 🌷Beginner
  2. 🌷Intermediate
  3. 🌷Advanced
  4. 🌷Professional

🌷To begin the show, our family band rocked out the first song featuring Bella on flute, covering Paul McCartney’s song Let ‘Em In.

🌷I re-wrote the lyrics to include my students names during the bri...

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Our Family Band Performance



I just want to continue to encourage you to continue to pour creativity and arts into your children. I am amazed at the rewards that continue to happen now that my children are growing up.

I want to share one of the best days of my life.

My biggest dream came true~ playing in a family band, just this past Saturday.

All the years of raising my kids and teaching music lessons, I find myself standing beside my husband, 17-year old daughter, Bella, and my brother and we are performing for all her friends and our family.

It is so fun to dream and then watch the dream unfold in front of your eyes.

Bella played her flute, played her bass guitar, her electric guitar and she sang with us.

We have been practicing our songs for the past year every Friday night at my brother's house, and we finally performed for everyone in his backyard on this beautiful March day for Bella's 17th birthday.

If you are a student of mine, or you are enrolled in any of my flute or ...

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Taproot Teacher Training 2021

May your journey be safe,🎶

🎶 May your worries be few,

And may love always guide what you do 🎶

🎶 May you grow like a forest straight toward the light,

Grounded in the mother earth🎶

Every year at Taproot Teacher Training we sing this as our closing song.

Want to hear it? Click here

What a beautiful song to bless us all as we enter back in with our families to renew our homeschool journey.

Barbara Dewey and Jean Miller, along with our Taproot team, gave such great value. We all tuned in live on Zoom to the workshops, got hands on experiences, got to participate in the chat, and meet in breakout rooms. I got to invite everyone to sing my song, Joyful Creation, live on Zoom, on Friday, with Miriam and her kids; and then live on Saturday at the hotel. The event was so wonderful and we all felt such a sweet connection.

What I find most fascinating is that this event usually takes place every year in Cleveland, Ohio, with a max of about 30 parents; but this year, over 100 people fro...

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